Company name: Metallurgical plants

The largest company in the country for production and processing of steel.


Global warming requires reductions in CO2 emissions. The first step towards this is ascertaining real data about the quantity of emissions of greenhouse gases. The main requirement for the software was making balance calculations about the quantity of emissions of greenhouse gases, primarily CO2. Another requirement was ensuring a high level of automatic measurement of input factors and monitoring uncertainty of measurement and calculation.


ESTEN developed the GBCO2 system. The system creates a tree structure of production subdivisions and records the quantities of material entering and exiting the production process of the company. It further enables the definition and recording of the properties of the material being measured. This is for example the carbon content in the material, calorific value, cost and other properties. Above this data structure, the user can define a system of polynomial balance calculations. One is the balance of the amount of CO2 emitted to the atmosphere. The system features an automatic interface for receiving and processing data from production systems and interfaces for manual data entry.

The system also works as a web application meaning it has high accessibility. The system works across different time zones, it is multilingual and multicultural (working with different systems of units of measurement). This means that the user can show company-wide results for example in short tons, even though the input data at European sites is in metric units while in the American plants short tons are used.

Improvement / Results:

  • Overview of CO2 emissions: The company management has an overview of the quantity of CO2 emitted and on the basis of this they can decide on how to proceed.
  • EU conditions: The system fulfils the conditions of the EU on reporting greenhouse gases and the result are accepted by an independent audit.
  • Flexibility: The system enables the user to add new properties of materials, as well as new calculations and thereby get further useful results.

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