
Company name:Essity Slovakia s.r.o.

Historically the company operated in forestry and produced cellulose; it currently produces single-use hygiene products.


The company is digitizing its processes and attempting to optimize costs by increasing the efficiency of production and also increasing quality and safety. As new systems have been added to production over the years, the demands on production line operators and the time taken to train them has increased in a time when there is a shortage of human resources. The assignment was to analyse the processes in production and their connection to the systems used, to reduce and optimize them.


e-Board integrates different systems into one application displayed on a large touch screen. It digitizes processes, it simplifies the work of operators and also of production managers, It collects and concentrates data which was previously lost and provides analytical output from it, which can be used to increase safety, quality and thereby also the profitability of the factory.

Improvement / Results:

  1. Cost savings
    • Replacing MS Win licences.
    • Jobs in production.
    • Human working time.
    • Printing – paper/toner.
  2. Digitalization of processes – minimization of the need for printed reports, e-mail communication, storage of data in the file system.
  3. Replaces magnetic boards and notice boards.
  4. Efficient central notification sending.

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